by Denis Kirby
It begins with the thrum of the string. When its offspring is upon you, it is but a whisper …if you even hear it.
Melisia Fletcher’s hobby is researching her family tree but she has come to a full stop. A trip to England is needed to further her quest.
In an old monastery she reads an ancient biography, by a man of humble beginnings and his family a long time ago.
He was born with only half a name, Alun, but it was of no import to him. In his time he strove to feel life, to understand it, he was loved and had loved, hunted and been hunted. Life in those years threw many things at him, adventure, joy and its counterpart, sorrow.
As chance would have it ‘Fletcher’ became attached to his name.
The tale enthralls Melisia to the point where she must trace and follow the footsteps of this possible forefather, with its frustrating confusions, its hopes and its dangers. Can she follow the trail, some 700 years old with an untold and surprising fortune at its end, with its twists and turns? And its perils?
226 pages softcover