by Michael Wallace
Have you ever wanted to break free of the rut, to make that great journey and discover the love of your life? Well, Jerimiah was a cobbler in a sleepy village, but each night his dreams were haunted by a fabulous castle that existed on the border of Forever. He had to go, but how could he leave the safety of his village for such whimsy? One day, he snaps. He sets off, and now with his feet on the path less travelled. Then, he meets the great love of his life, who is in danger. Will he turn back, or go on? We know what the hero chooses, and so now Jerimiah must face the monsters of his own fear and fight for his very life to reach his beloved Dawn Fairy.
A tale for children that is also an analogy for life. Very deep Jungarian concepts are written into this easy-to-read tale of adventure, so the adult reading the story can get a message as much as the child is entertained. Jerimiah Versus the Grabblesnatch is everyman's story and reading it, you will find a little part of yourself looking back at you.
144 pages softcover
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"A marvellously entertaining and original writer"
Luke Rhinehart (The Diceman)