by Daniel Salfield
"Tourists don't know where they've been, travelers don't know where they're going."
Paul Theroux, Traveler, Author
Tommy doesn't know where he's going. Thrown back into the wild after a seven-year relationship he has become completely unfamiliar with the notion of thinking for himself. When an excuse to leave the country arises, with an invite to a cousin's wedding in the UK, he jumps at the chance, knowing that whatever he's looking for he probably won't find it standing still.
Tommy's intentions are noble but with an overactive libido and severely lacking in common sense, his pursuit of a soulmate frequently results in comic tragedy. Only an online romance with a girl who seems to be the one, can redeem a journey that has degenerated into one of 'Sex & Surfing'.
"A brillant story. I laughed my ass off!"
Johnny Abbegg, Skuff TV
"... a feast of foreign destinations, sensuality and raging hormones, Salfield delves into the inner machinations of a young man looking for answers in the curve of a wave, or a woman's hips. Fresh, engaging and original..."
Kim Falconer, author of The Quantum Enchantment series
124 pages softcover