by Frank Aquino
The Australian Government introduces its most severe anti-terrorism bill to date. Under certain circumstances it can give the Prime Minister sole executive power over the nation. The Opposition is calling it the Dictator Clause. The Senate vote to limit its duration is scheduled for Friday.
The next day is the Aussie Rules Grand Final football match - the Fremantle Dockers versus the Sydney Swans. Melbourne stadium is booked to capacity. The Prime Minister and most of Parliament will be there. So will four men from Adelaide, armed with chemical weapons. The Australian Federal Police suspect it but have no proof, and the Prime Minister will not change plans without proof.
Ed Bailey, offshore rig safety inspector, and his daughter Kathy are also at the game, but Bailey is called away at the last moment to fly offshore. A Chinese rig is being held in international waters until Bailey will allow it to approach the coast. But the rig is not what it seems. A frightening develment threatens, and only Bailey knows about it.
Unarmed and trapped offshore by a hostile crew he must find a way to warn Melbourne and try to stop an act of terrorism. What can a simple rig inspector do? Not much in normal circumstances. But is Ed Bailey really who he says he is?
"An unnervingly credible scenario."
"A Dictator Clause may be closer than we think."
388 pages softcover