by Colin Woodcroft
Travelling With Parkinson’s Disease is the fourth book released by Colin Woodcroft and the second book where he deals with his experiences of living with Parkinson’s disease. He was diagnosed with the disease 11 years ago, but this hasn’t stopped Colin from travelling.
His passion for travelling has not been compromised and some of his recent trips have included Peru, Argentina, Guatemala, Vietnam, Laos, Mexico and the USA.
This book is written in general terms and is a good read for, not only people who have Parkinson’s but also for people who like to travel or just for readers who would like a little more insight into what people with this disease do to cope. Once again the author emphasises the need for a super positive attitude, plenty of exercise and a well-balanced diet.
He identifies with many of the symptoms and problems associated with Parkinson’s but then suggests methods to counterattack.
50 pages softcover